Survival Part 6

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Well I'm glad the name is right this time XD I hope you guys like this one!! I tried really hard to make it detailed and all... but please don't blame me if I screw up cause I was falling asleep through some of this XP

You left off ready to tell your parents your decision....

Created by: CountryBayRythm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It was now night time. And dinner was the next meal. I entered the dining hall to see my parents waiting for me. "So, I've been informed you've made your decision?" My father asked. I nodded my head as I sat down. "You sure?" My mother asked. When I didn't respond, their faces hardened to unreadable and unemotional statues. "I plan to stay." Their faces lit with happiness. My mother rushed to my side and took me into a large embrace, sobbing with joy. My father sat there proud and with a smile larger than life. We sat down to eat, the whole while my mother asking me questions of how I survived, and vice versa. When finished, my father said goodnight, but my mother wanted to walk me back to my room. We walked silently for most of it, arm in arm. Then she broke the silence. "You look so stunning my dear. You understand that you are going to have to be stern with those boys!" She winked. I chuckled, "Well thanks mom." We reached my room and we walked in together. "What do you think of it?" She asked. "I can't thank you enough for it. It means a lot." "Coming from where you came from, I share the same love for nature as you, and love the dirt and sounds of the insects. The foreign nature of a castle was so hard to come to. I knew you'd feel the same, so I always had this prepared for you if you ever did come. I always hoped that it would ease you into the transition." I gave her a big hug and she kissed my forehead. Bidding me goodnight, she glided out of sight. I undressed and took a long shower, getting all of the make up and hair products that Johny used was harder than I would have thought. Once I was my natural self again I dried off and searched for something to wear. I found loose grey sweat pants and a tank top. I studied the stars while my hair dried. I tried to memorize the patterns so that if I ever got lost, I'd know where to return. When the image was secure in my head and my hair was dry, I turned from the window. I found Bo already lying down, watching me. He was waiting for me to settle before he'd sleep. I walked over, and prepared a small spot for me. When I was comfortable, I patted his head and told him goodnight. He rested his head with a content groan, and I drifted into sleep.
  2. Today was another peaceful awakening. The same cardinal flew about my room singing me it's song. However, this time Bo woke before I moved, and he scared it off when he rose to his feet. I shook my head and got up. I walked into my bathroom and washed my face. I suddenly lost all motivation to change. I didn't used to change into something else unless entirely necessary. I just washed my clothes with me. Looking into the mirror I just decided to braid my hair. Then I'd be fine. Once my hair was braided, hanging down my right shoulder, I let Bo know we were leaving. I strapped my arrows to my back, and my bow just hung there. My claws glittered at my side. We left ready for some action, even though it would just be practice. I asked a passing worker and asked if there were any training fields or gyms. His eyes nervously traced me up and down. I waited for an answer with my eyebrow raised. I cleared my throat. He nodded. I groaned and continued. I realized most men here, good or not, would be too flustered to talk to me. I spotted Timmy running some where. I shouted his name. He turned and instantly came. I kneeled, "Hey little guy, what training areas do you have?" "We have an extensive training field and a great gym!" He said triumphantly. I smiled and ruffled his messy brown hair. "Are you willing to show me?" He nodded eagerly. He turned and started walking down a side street. I looked at Bo and could see he liked him too. We followed him through streets and alleys. Occasionally seeing a woman talking to a man or two. Mostly older women. We finally came to a large green field. Many practice arenas were built into it... but my eyes instantly focused on the archer's arena. "Thanks Timmy, I appreciate it!" He gave me a large smile, revealing a missing front tooth, and ran to do whatever else he is supposed to do. Bo stretched his legs, looking quite like a rodeo horse, and settled to grazing on a patch of grass. I laughed and walked over to the archers arena. Before I was seen by those who were there, I studied the scene. Not many were there, but those who were, were young and inexperienced. I assumed the more skilled archers were out doing one duty or another. However, I did spot the hunter from the canyon. He was instructing a young man. The man was clumsy and I took no interest in him, my thoughts were captured by the hunter. I mean, he was who nearly caught me.... He pretty much filled the stereotype of tall, dark, and handsome, but even from my distance I could see in his eyes a great hunter. He watched everything, even though he may not seem like it to an ordinary onlooker. His hands were steady, and his movements strong and silent. Now that he wore no hunter's robes, I could see he was a toned man. I grinned to myself. What better way than to show him up again? I walked from the shadows and surveyed the targets before me. In the sides of my vision I could see the hunter's attention focus on me, and me only. His mouth opened as he watched me slowly move through the arena. With no shoes, I was as silent as a passing breeze. I took my ebony bow from my back, and drew my arrow carved from onyx with a feather of a raven. These arrows would never break, never miss, and always pierce, not to mention they always return. The arrow flew from my hand, and I drew the next, and the next, and the next with increasing speed. Each target in the arena was hit in the end of ten seconds. No matter how small, far, or obscure. To be honest, I prefer a challenge. I watched as each arrow returned to me, somehow knowing that I would not got to retrieve it. I finally looked into the eyes of the hunter who stood some ways away. He was obviously impressed, but I could tell he enjoyed the challenge I had just presented. With that I left the arena, my focus turning to the gym on the edge of the field.
  3. (WARRIORS POV) I watched as that little boy brought our new princess to the field. When she sat outside the archer's arena I wasn't surprised. I've only ever seen her with a bow on her back. I turned from the vast windows of the gym and looked over my domain. Of course it wasn't actually mine, but as the best warrior here, I sure felt like it was. The training materials and weapons lay neatly throughout it. I was proud of this place, and proud to say I've mastered it all. Anything in close range combat, I guarantee I've mastered it. I turned again to watch the girl. She now stood in within the arena, looking over the targets. That stupid hunter had his jaw dropped. She then moved with such speed I could barely track her movements. Each arrow hitting the exact center of each and every target. Even I was impressed, and even astonished when I watched her arrows return to her. She met the stare of the hunter and then promptly left. Obviously that was too easy for her. When she left her eyes turned to the gym. Suddenly, I was very much intrigued. If she could do that with an arrow, I'd like to see what she could do here. When she strode in, her whole body glided in silence. I will admit, she is one stunning beauty. I knew she knew I was there, but her eyes did not meet mine. I turned and watched her curiously. She looked over the training materials here with boredom, and a small sense of insult flared within me. But in her eyes, a spark of interest revealed itself. I looked to see watch she had seen and I noticed the thick metal wall. This was the wall we would practice on with a blade. This is where we would challenge ourselves to insert the blades deeper and deeper, but it was hard for even me. I walked closer to watch with a better view. A slight tilt of her head showed that she was tracing the path of my footsteps. It amused me, if only slightly. Something that doesn't come often. She took from her side what I could only identify as claws. This confused me, I've never seen such a weapon. When she placed them on her hand they seemed to only be an extension of her being. I watched as she flexed her hand, accustoming herself to the weight. Then with a strong swing of her arm, she sliced through the metal with ease. My eyes flared wide with amazement, and I watched as she grinned with what I could tell as happiness and curiosity. Placing it with it's sister she continued, and I followed. Coming to the sparring mat, she spoke. "I do not dare spare with you, but do you have a pupil or friend who could?" Her voice was strong, and confident. Something I liked. "Yes. I do." I responded. Her green eyes finally met mine. They were deep with secrets, ones I couldn't help but yearn to know. They entranced me, but I did not show it. "Then could you bring them?" She asked, her voice smooth and gorgeous as well. I nodded my head in response and turned to find Ryan, my top pupil, but still inexperienced. I shook my head, I did not like the way her presence made me feel.
  4. (MY POV) I watched him leave the gym. His voice hung in my head, it was deep and rough. Very sexy... but it didn't stay there for long. I took in my surroundings like I would on the hunt. Taking a deep breathe I stretched and warmed my muscles while I awaited his return. My mind clear as day, I could sense everything, and feel all. Nothing escaped me, not even the small pebble the lay besides my weapons on the side of the mat. When he returned none of my peace escaped me, only a heightened focus. I turned and rested my sight on a strong young man with a shaved head and a scar down his forearm. His strong amber eyes met mine. He was confident, not bothered slightly by the fact that I have boobs. This pleased me. He circled me on the mat, and I turned with him. I didn't miss even a twitch of a muscle. He had height and strength on his side, but I had speed and endurance on mine. He lunged, testing me. I dodged with ease my eyes never leaving his movements. We returned to the previous dance. This time I made the first move. I stepped to the side, in front of his path. He lunged again and I spun away. Knowing that he would do so gave me an advantage. I jumped on his back and twisted his right arm back and jumped away. This being his dominant hand, I had hoped to weaken it. It worked. He held it closer to his side, for I had obviously tweaked and he was obviously angry. Confident he didn't know who I was yet, I hoped he would be rash now. His left fist aimed for my face with tremendous force and I dropped to the floor. Since he missed and was not expecting that I tripped him and watched him fall to the ground. I lunged for his right arm but he expected that. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed it to the side. I hit the floor and rolled out of the way before he could put his weight on me. I jumped up and dived again. We did this for several minutes, me attacking, him defending. I never gave him a moment's rest or a chance to stand. I'd be outmatched this way. Finally, he made a mistake. He aimed to hit me with his right hand. I grabbed it and flipped him to his stomach. He groaned with pain as I locked in his arm. I pushed his face to the ground and held his legs in place. I strained with the effort, but I managed to get him to tap out. I rolled off him with sweat rolling off my brow, and I gasped for air. I watched him rise to go seek medical attention. "Thank you." I said to him, and he nodded his head in respect. Smiling in triumph I rose to my feet. The warrior was following the man out, but he looked back and nodded in approval before he disappeared.
  5. Timmy burst through the doors before I could leave. "Princess! Your parents would like you to ready yourself for an announcement! They ask that you will be in their throne room in an hours time!" He told me and quickly ran off. I sighed. 'Oh well, I need to wash off anyways.' I walked from the doors and whistled for Bo. He came to me and I mounted him. I rode swiftly back to my room so I wouldn't hurry myself. I washed off all the sweat from my match and dried myself off. I chose to wear....
  6. We reached the large doorway and I looked back at Bo for reassurance. All of this was new to me and I didn't know how to handle everything yet. He nuzzled my shoulder in comfort and nudged me on. I opened the door to find six people in front of my parents. There were three men, two women, and a boy. I knew the three men and the boy, but not the women. My mother came to my side and took me into an embrace. We sat a moment there, both comforted by each others presence. She then took me to stand by her side as she sat in her throne. My father nodded and smiled in greeting. "We have informed these people before you of the plans you know of. We have chosen your team and they stand before you. You will be the decider on all major decisions but we advise that you take their voices into consideration. Every one of you has a purpose and I will explain this as I introduce you all. You may or may not know each other. Timmy will be who takes care of the everyday duties you do not have time for and he will be who takes care of any possessions you may acquire along the way." Before me Timmy grinned with pride, he seemed excited to be chosen for such an important team. "Ava will be who takes care of all medical duties. She also can recognize the presence of any magic and is skilled in spells herself. We have decided that this rare ability will prove crucial to you if you come across any dangerous magic." One of the women stepped forward and did a fancy sort of bow. Her dirty blonde hair laced with silver was braided to one side, beads and feathers entwined throughout. Her eyes were silvery grey and I bet they could see through any lie. I could not tell her age for all lines were absent from her fair face, but her eyes held such wisdom that couldn't be held by any person younger than 60 years of age. She wore the clothes of what you imagine a medicine woman would. "Eloise is who will tend to anything relating to acquiring information in secret. She is your spy, your fly on the wall. Without her inside knowledge you go in blind and I would be very uncomfortable in this." The other woman was certainly about my age. Her skin was tanned and her hair midnight curls. She gave us all a perfect smile, lighting her black eyes up with excitement. She wore her hair in a high ponytail but a few strands still escaped, and her clothes were dark and resembled what I would wear before this. "Anton is who will act as your guard. He is highly skilled in all combat styles and I would trust no less in the protection of my daughter. If you come into any trouble, he will be the first to act." The warrior you had come to recognize gave a small nod of his head. "Vincent is the voice for the group when negotiating. This doesn't mean no one else can talk, it merely means he will do most of it. He our most skilled diplomat who could take on this journey." The man who I kissed in the canyon bowed and smiled, but could not bring himself to eye contact with me. "James is who will provide your meat source and navigate. He is our best hunter we would not have any complete this without his aide." The hunter smiled in gratitude and met my gaze full on, seemingly accepting my challenge from earlier. "Now, this is your new princess, Princess Ashlyn. She may not be as specialized as some of you, but she can be a successful back up for every position if need be. And as I have said, she is your leader. In addition, her knowledge of travel and life outside a kingdom is very useful, and in fact, crucial. To finish. my husband and I have chosen a name for your group. We have decided to call it Wolf Pack, we find the name suiting." My mother rose, "You are all dismissed, all but my daughter and Bo." They all left the room and I waited for my mother to continue.
  7. "Tonight I have set a celebration on your safe arrival. I know you may not be pleased with this... but me and your father couldn't resist! You are only required to make an appearance and meet some of the more influential members of our community. Your father will do the speech and I will answer all questions. Further from this, you can either go to bed or wander the unoccupied hallways of our castle. Only servants and the Wolf Pack is allowed there tonight. I didn't want your arrival to be only rumors. This way I can halt many gossips and their lies. Not all, but many." She told me. I wanted to argue, but the look in her eyes halted my words. She saw this and smiled with a sad appreciation. My father rose and took my hand. Squeezing it gently he said, "We only want you happy, but sometimes, I have to make your mother happy too." He winked and I laughed slightly. "Johny will be here shortly to dress you." My mother said. I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully. She was wearing pants and a loose blouse, reminding me of how she'd tell me of pirate women. Something that she always enjoyed telling me about. Her eyes turned mischievous and her grin playful. She tackled me and we wrestled just like we used to. Only now, she wouldn't lose just because I was her daughter. We laughed and growled, and when my father tried to separate us, we pulled him in too. He tried to resist, but could not and ended up on the bottom of a dog pile begging for forgiveness with a smile in his voice. Johny came in and teased us, but stopped when it looked as if my mother would tackle him too. I smiled with joy, I missed our old wrestling matches.
  8. "I'll see you tonight!" I told my parents right before the door closed. I followed Johny but he seemed to be limping. "What's the matter Johny?" He looked at me and sighed. He bit his lip, "Do I have to tell you?" "Yepp!" "I tripped coming up the stairs. I only twisted my ankle... but I'm no tough cookie." I laughed. I hopped up on Bo and extended my hand. "Oh heeelll no!" He said taking a step back. I chuckled, "Well, I guess this is for the teasing I suppose!" I winked and Bo jumped forward. Before he could run I snatched him up onto the back of Bo and I was nearly suffocated as he held on for dear life! Bo charged through the halls and stairs approaching my room, and I giggled in mischief the entire way! When we reached my room I had to pry Johny from my back. "I will get you back child, just you watch!" He threatened and I stuck out my tongue. We entered my closet and I chose to wear...
  9. There was a knock on the door when Johny had just barely finished. "Come in!" We said at the same time. In came my mother. She wore a stunning purple ballgown that was strapless. At her waist an intricate design was drawn out in diamonds. Her eyes intensified by the black that framed them, and her hair curled down her side. Even though she was at least 50, she was stunning and demanded attention from her grace and strength. "Beautiful as aaaaalwaaays!" Johny fawned over her hair. "What shoes?" He asked. "I decided to give Ash's idea a try. No shoes today Johny boy, just a diamond anklet!" She winked at me. Johny gasped in horror and left the room. My mother chuckled and came to my side. "Are you ready?" She asked, fixing an odd wrinkle in my skirt. "More or less." I responded. "I brought something for Bo." "That is?" Bo's eyes looked at her curiously. She walked to him and put over his neck a sort of necklace. It sat on his chest and circled around the bottom of his neck. It was of gold, and the jewels ruby. It complimented his coat and he looked at himself in the mirror with admiration. Me and my mother laughed, but I liked it. We walked from my room and I took a deep breathe. Gradually I heard my father's booming voice, and the occasional cheer of a crowd. We waited outside an archway and my mother put on me that same diamond tiara from the other night. For the first time I noticed her crown on her head. 'Of course, we have to wear these.' Then, I heard my father announce my name. My mother pushed me forward and I was suddenly on a balcony besides my father. Below me many faces of men and the occasional woman looked up at me. Cheering erupted and nearly split my ear drums. I've never heard such loud sounds. However, I recovered quickly and did only what I thought I should... smile and wave. They seemed to like that for the volume grew louder. My father spoke but I couldn't hear him, my ears were ringing, but the crowd seemed to hear him. Then, my mother came out and cheering erupted again. They must now realize that their queen not only bore a child, but a girl. This must be highly appreciated by them. Then I was gently taken from the balcony, I still could not hear but I knew it was my mother who had done so. Before me Johny appeared with a cold clothe and put it in my ears. Instant soothing came and I smiled with gratitude. Then, Ava appeared. She said something, and my hearing instantly returned. Johny took the clothe and I thanked Ava. She nodded and disappeared. I looked after her in wonder. Besides me my mother lead me to meet the important people she had mentioned.
  10. I had finished meeting everyone. Mostly men, but there were three women, obviously intelligent and strong women. My mother had finally let me go and Bo returned to the room but I was too restless for sleep yet. I walked the halls and looked around. I turned one corner and found Timmy begging Eloise for something. Her back was to me and he didn't notice me. "Fine!" She announced. He quickly moved out of her way and she demonstrated back flips and acrobatics I couldn't imagine completing. When she finished Timmy cheered and I clapped. They both quickly turned and smiled when they saw it was me. Timmy came and gave me a small hug. I was surprised, but after a moment I returned his little precious hug. He was the first person I've hugged besides my parents. Even then mostly my mother. Eloise smiled giving a slight nod. She then scooped Timmy up over her shoulder and skipped away with him kicking and giggling in delight. I smiled to myself and passed two men arguing on my way back to my room. It was Anton and James. They were both in each others faces, nose to nose. When they saw me they both instantly backed off and both started talking, trying to explain. However, it was all jumbled up and I couldn't understand a word of their gibberish. I just looked at them weirdly and continued on. I finally came to my room and found Bo waiting for me. I realized he probably didn't want to fall asleep with that thing on his chest so I took it off of him. Once I did he collapsed and fell asleep. I chuckled and placed both his jewelry and my tiara to the side. I undressed and collapsed into my bed wearing only underwear and a sweatshirt. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.
  11. Well that's all for today!
  12. Who interests you most?
  13. Please comment and rate!!

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