Supernatural Studies part 2 | Comments

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  • So it's not just me who used to race raindrops? Haha, good to know ^^ I always used to cheer for the littlest one and hope a bunch of them teamed up to beat the faster one. LOL Xander is acting like he's half-drunk rather than half-asleep. Hm, this whole book business... I wonder what could be behind it...

    QOD: oh, Vincent's a cutie ;P but as for liking him, no, not yet at least. Might get there, but normally it takes me a lot of time to choose which one I like in these sort of stories (sometimes I just can't decide XD ) I do agree with ivoryleaf that we need more time with the guys before we start liking them and such. We hardly know Xander besides that he's a cocky player-type and we've only had some polite conversation with Vincent. So I'd love to get to know them more AND about the school. Don't rush it, though, your pacing is still great :) I hope "a while" is a month at the most because I can't wait to get more into this story

    @ivoryleaf first impressions definitely do make a large impact, though, because I know that, I try my best to reserve judgement.

  • Xander is so cute when he's half awake. Idk. I don't hate him but I'm not the biggest fan. The whole story is now unfolding and I'm really excited for everything to be revealed. I really wonder what the book's for, the dorm meaning, the Skills and all that. I hope the next part or the next after that answers some questions. Sometimes, I hate it when you have to choose between action and answers. Filler chapters xD

    QOD: Vincent? To be honest, the way people meet makes a HUUUGE impact on the reader's feelings towards a character. Some make me squeal in the cuteness, others just seem like the character is just..there. I can't really tell what Vincent's impression is but he's nice. Sweet, understanding. I definitely need more parts with him in it so I could get attached. Don't just leave them there, make good use of a guy. Then he will get girl fans :P If you introduce a character, you have to write more of them. No matter how little the part. Because then the one character doesn't fade out. That's how I work, idk about others.

    I used to know a kid named Vincent back in kindergarten. Our relationship did not go well. He used to tease me and bully me, the skinny monkey he is. And then this other kid, Kevin, used to protect me :3 I still hate Vincent. He's still the same after he's grown up. Except I can probably beat him now :D

    Now I'm thinking about first impressions. I really want to know how others think now. Imma pop that question up :)

  • I didn't even notice this was out! Okay, QOD: Yes, I do Like Vincent. I like him better than Xander, and I think he's going to be my favorite. Kinda sweet, how he took Xander to help _______ out. PART 3!!!

  • I used to pretend the rain drops were racing, too! I'd find the smallest rain drop and say, "Come on, Smally! You can do it!" sometimes it won and sometimes it lost.


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