Spanish Language | Comments

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  • I recieved an 84%... but there are some things that are a little off about this quiz, because in spanish depending on where you've learned it, words and phrases will be different. For example, the sunglasses question i was able to answer using context clues, and i was taught that the correct way to say sunglasses is gafas del sol... BUT over here in matamoros, tamaulipas, mexico, where i am currently residing, they say lentes. Over here they also use a TON of slang, as im sure they do everywhere, but the form of speaking and what is correctly recognized and/or considered proper depends on where youre at.

  • yo entiendo espanol pero yo no hable espanol. did i even get that right?

  • PS. It's not very often I give 100's, I've only given about five before. Tests usually get higher grades then most personality quizzes, etc.

  • Critic: AppleBerry (AppleBerry@Royal.Net)
    My Quiz Result: 43%
    Creators Score: 100%

    Comments: Great quiz, correct answers. I've only had a brief overview of Spanish A, so I don't know alot of Spanish, but this was a great quiz! Hasta luego!

    Email me for more info, tips, and links! ;-)


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