Shoutout Quiz.

I hope this quiz has meaning and value, I tried hard to be expressive but I don't think I did a good job. Anyways enjoy. the format that I did is a little different than most shout out quizzes but you will catch on.

If I missed you then please, be sure to tell me. I will add you in and give you an extra long shout out. Anyways enjoy, I enjoyed being able to construct (hopefully) meaningful words for you all.

Created by: wendee3O
  1. So here is how this is going to work, I have individualized questions for everyone on the shoutout. Just scroll through the questions and follow there directions as indicated.
  2. If you are Rhimicha, click that is me. If you aren't, don't answer this question.
  3. If you are alex300, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  4. If you are cheese, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  5. If you are jellypenguin, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  6. ***💣
  7. I swear I am missing people that I intended on including....
  8. If you are dogsbuddy, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  9. If you are Ali, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  10. If you are cody, click that is me. If not, don't answer this question.
  11. If I missed you, click you missed me bonehead. If not, don't answer this question.

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