Shout Outs! 2 (Girl_Almighty)

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I have some more shout outs coming your way! Are you in the shout outs? Let's find out! If you want a shout out and it is not here or in the last quiz, comment!

I feel like I gave some one two shout outs. I think it's Dark22978. Anyways, take this quiz. I want to see you smile when you take this quiz. Eager? Excited? It's fun!

Created by: Girl_Almighty
  1. The first shout out goes to *opens envelope* Zane Is Here! You're awesome. I have a question. Can I see a picturr if Jake? XP
  2. The second shout out goes to Dark22978! You're a really good writter. You're very creative.
  3. The third shout out goes to *drum roll* unstoppablepanda3! Stay awesome!
  4. The next shout out goes to Percie! We haven't talked much, but you seem amazing!
  5. Doo doo doo. Ooh! This person deserves a shout out! It's XXAlexXX! You are flippin' awesome! Literally!
  6. Ooh! Puppet master12! Here's your well deserved shout out!
  7. That's it! If you would like a ahout out in the next shout out quiz, comment!

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