Shout Out Quiz!

Hello, I've been enjoying talking, roleplaying and writing stories with a lot of people recently, and a lot of other people have been making shout-out quizzes so I thought I'd make one! :)

If you were not mentioned and I've talked or roleplayed with you before, please comment in the chat and I am happy to make a part 2. Please comment if you get mentioned as well :) Thanks, I hope you enjoy :)

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. My first shout-out is for @LittleNerd. You have been so kind to me and you are so creative. You are amazing in your personality, as well as writing stories and doing roleplays. Thank you!
  2. The next one is for @BoldNotCold-you are SO kind and considerate and you are always there to give me advice. Thank you so much, you are also so creative.
  3. Here's one for @AlexFierrro. You are great at roleplaying and writing and super creative. I don't know you very well, but you sound like a kind, caring person. Thank you!
  4. Next one is for @Eggaly for being brave and confident enough to share your stories with us. Again, I don't know you very well but you sound quite kind and considerate.
  5. @quizmaster12345, thank you for sharing your stories and commenting on the 'Bullying' thread as well as sharing your opinion and roasts and rizzes on other forums. I don't know you well, but you sound quite nice.
  6. @FoxyWolf713, you are a funny, creative person. You are very imaginative, but I kind of enjoyed the sudden turn around where Mira suddenly raced out of the classroom without warning in one of our roleplays. Thank you!
  7. @Gacha_Summer, you are amazing at roleplaying and writing stories. You describe things in great detail and can really show people's personality within just a few sentences. You seem very kind and considerate, so thank you! :)
  8. @P4ND4LOV3ER, you are really creative and I enjoy reading your roleplays with other people. You are kind and caring so thanks!
  9. @Hiiamdesiree, thanks for the great roleplays we enjoy together. You seem like a kind person, so thanks :)
  10. @AverageStudent, thanks. I enjoy roleplaying with you and you seem like a great person to get to know.
  11. @TheDorkWhoWrites, you are just amazing at writing and I can't explain how well you write, particularly with stories. You are also a very kind person, and you have a great personality! :)
  12. @HarryPotterSlays, thanks for the story we started and the amazing, slay Harry Potter forum you created on GTQ :)

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