Shout out quiz!

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So I made a shoutout thing for some of my friends I met on here. If you are not on here it is probably because I don't know you, or I forgot your name.

So I made a shoutout thing for some of my friends I met on here. If you are not on here it is probably because I don't know you, or I forgot your name. SORRY!

Created by: batman12506
  1. First shoutout goes to Rhimcha. When I joined she was so kind to me, pretty funny. And when I feel down she always seems to make me feel better
  2. Next shoutout goes to SilverNote13, we talked all night. She has an amazing personality, and I am extremely grateful to call her my friend.
  3. Next one goes to alex3000. He's very fun to be around. Joyful, and has an awesome taste in music.
  4. Next goes to Ronnieradkefan, we have so much in common. He's always in a good mood, I love spending time talking to him, and he's like a guy version of me.
  5. Next one goes to JaneDoe. Yes we've had our differences, but you seem like a very interesting person to talk to. And I would like to get to know you more.
  6. Next goes to Redrose2. Just, it's hard to explain. An amazing person to talk to, we haven't talked much, but I would like too.
  7. Next is, Percie. She's awesome in general. Hard to explain her personality. But yeh.
  8. Next is Puppet master12. She always says she loves my poems and songs, even when they are not good. She makes me smile when I'm feeling down.
  9. Well, I know there's more. I just forgot the names. I feel so special.
  10. BAI!

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