Should we be friends?

I got bored so I decided to make a quiz. Take this quiz to see if we could be friends. Hopefully your results come out good... if not just give me a call!!

So when you get done if you would, copy and paste your results in an e-mail to me please so I can see what you got!!!! I'm just curious.... have fun!

Created by: Kristina
  1. Do you like to go clubben?
  2. Do you have children?
  3. Are we close in age?
  4. Do you play video games?
  5. Do you like to gossip?
  6. Instead of going out all the time, would you consider just hangin' out at home on a weekend fun?
  7. What kind of music do you listen to?
  8. Do you like to "hibernate" in the winter?
  9. What's your favorite season?
  10. Could we sit and talk about personal stuff, and not be freaked out or embarrassed?
  11. Do you think we are friends?
  12. If your a girl, do you try to compete with me?
  13. If your a guy, do you try to hit on me?

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