Remember the future part 13 Double Trouble | Comments

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  • EEEE! So excited!

  • >.< i like books

  • @Twisted_Roots

    Looks like you're ready for the mission, don't worry they're not interested in Seth.


    running over the twins huh? *writes down* I'll think about it *evil grin*

    Oh and... yeah it was totally a Doctor Who reference... heh heh yeah... that was it *bites lip* I gotta go *runs down the hall and jumps out a window*

    @The Popolisk

    You're not that late, besides you're here now so YAY *throws confetti* Oh and... Warren as a penguin? That's so cute XP Yeah we're moving on, I've left you guys guessing long enough. Time to answer some questions and time for more explosions XD You know I didn't have to think very hard for the song. I needed Devin to perform a song, I scrolled through my iTunes... and the rest is history. I do wish my characters were real, I love them all. Oh the twins? Well... let's just say I'm open to any suggestions *smiles evily* enjoy commenting >;) Oh HELLO! your favourite? Wow cool, thank you for that :D Next time I'll try and top this... and considering what's coming up I don't think that'll be a problem.

    Aw shut it, your comments are great (freaking GTQ cutting off comments) it's okay, I get lazy too. Although I'm trying to catch up so I can get most of these done before summer ends. The next one should be up either tomorrow or Friday.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • I feel late. XD

    I agree with booknerd; let's run the twins over. I know they're in the story for a reason, but... I dun like 'em. Though that was apparently the point, lol.

    Aww, this was really cute. I think it's partially because my imagination made Warren into a penguin, but Seth and Devin were sweet. The only thing worrying me is that we're moving on from the "shallow" stage of the story (if that exists with you XD) and into the part everything gets all.... Well, nevermind, I'll mess about with that when it actually happens. BACK TO THE ACTUAL REVIEW.

    I'm kinda with xxblutixx's C. They have, after all, grown up using the various gadgets (I assume so, anyway) and... all that. (I'm trying very hard not to make any predictions, but clearly it isn't working. ^_^")

    Somehow, I wasn't suprised at Devin's song choice. And I didn't headdesk. I swear. *Shifty eyes*

    I need to hug Seth. He needs to be real so I can glomp him. (Actually, all of them need to be real solely for that reason. :D)

    Carol... I have no words. She's just awesome. (And the twins better agree, or... You'll get more comments that are just suggesting ways to kill them? I dunno, mabye Story Self [I shall call her S.S.] will beat them up. Something. I should not be talking with only two hours of sleep. -_-')

    ANYWAY. This is probably one of my favorite ones, and now I'll go cover my freind with duct tape. Not sure how I'll manage it, but it will be done. >:D

    Is this too long? I think it's getting too long. So I'll shut up in a second. Sorry I didn't ever re-write the monster, I got lazy. But you probably didn't miss it; I just felt guilty about lying.

    The Popolisk
  • This was a fun chapter. I liked the guys outfits :3 . I LOVED Warrens outfit(Partly because I love Warren, and partly because he wore a bowtie.Bowties are cool(Doctor Who Reference.).).

    Question:WHAT?! They're coming too?! I say that once everyone gets into the cars,(Except them) someone"Accedently" runs them over. That cool with everyone? Okay.

  • man :3 i love seth. like no joke. seriously. please dont let the twins come! actually, as long as they stay away form seth, then can come. but trust me when i say this, if they get in my way *cocks shotgun* nuff said. team seth over and out.

  • @ xxblutixx

    Well basically all of them but mainly the one from my "I'm back" announcement. I really love your "Don't leave me hanging" story (which I still need to catch up on *facepalms* that's what happens when you go on vacation I guess) and it means a lot to me that you like my story too. I laughed really hard when you were like "we have to bring 2 of THESE along?" I'd say the exact same thing. One thing you need to know about Ashlyn and Evelyn, they work together VERY well. That's all I'm going to reveal today.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • *is happy* I've been sad yesterday and today because it seemed like there were hardly any of my favorite writers posting :( Pudding is a very good distress word XP Wow, all this time to brainstorm, and all Devin does is capitalize his name differently? XD I guess it does work like Ke$ha works. LOL That's an awesome celebrity outfit for Devin XD wait a second... everything's neon o.o I do like the neon though, just not the N.E.O.N. Awwwhhhh Warren X3 a bow-tie is so cute haha

    *Glares daggers at twins* *hopes some hit them* We have to give THOSE girls Devin? Oh my gosh, he's going to sing? O.O LOL of course it'd be that song... Devin!!! I LOVE YOU *blows a kiss* what? I'm just blending into the crowd like we're supposed to O=) *gags and resists urge to cut in* stupid b.... we have to bring 2 of THESE along? -.- *breathes deeply... very deeply* I don't want a murder accusation tied up with my name. *grumbles* next time SHE won't be so forgiving? I think it should be next time >I< won't be so forgiving. Thanks for the shout-out :3 but which comment are you referring to? I didn't think either was super spectacular XD

    QOD: A. Twins are going to mess everything we do because they're not tagging along to actually help and are dead ignorant and clumsy

    B. Twins are actually evil and going to foil everything we do on purpose/report our location

    C. Twins are going to surprise us and have hidden talents even if they're difficult to work with... they might help or one might and the other not.

    I'm thinking C but maybe B not so much A
    P.S. Yay first comment ^^


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