Remember the future part 11 There's only one Fuchsia | Comments

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  • Fuchsia is one granny with freaking skills (:

    The light is HUMAN! XD Haha, or maybe he's related to Phineas? I wish...


  • i loved the devin moment it was awesome and I hope to see the next one is up soon see ya.

  • i like fuchsia she's really nice and i got devin.

    dont get me wrong i love devin
    and i love noah...
    and i love seth
    and i love warren.
    gosh :/ why s this so hard D:

  • @ singin234

    Aw thank you, are you having a good summer? I am, I can't wait to go to my cottage... though I forget when I'm going. I'll give you guys a heads up for that but ya know for now I'm not going anywhere okay? None of you had better break into my house when I'm gone! I read about this girl on facebook who said she was going on vacation and then POOF comes back after and all her stuff is stolen. Terrible right? Oh well, I'll be sure to post part 12 before I go. That way you'll have something to read when I'm gone. Won't be long... actually I forget how long I'll be away. Man I remember all these little details about songs and stories but I can't remember dates and times for the life of me. Oh well, I'll check later but I'm pretty sure I'll only be gone for a week at the most. We don't go away for too long, it gets old really fast and then you're just like "I WANT TA GO HOME NOW!!! SOMEBODY KILL ME PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE IT HERE" and then when you leave you're so happy in the car you sing along with your iPod... well that's what I do when I'm on vacations for too long. I'm not one to get angry though, that's VERY RARE. If I'm angry (at something other than Twilight) take a picture... no I'm serious I can only recall two instances I was mad this year, but I had every right in my defense. I mean when your computer starts doing the virus dance you can't help but get a little peeved. Okay I'm done here, honestly I'm sooooooo bored. I think I'm going to go write or eat yogurt... maybe both? Who knows.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @xbox360fan

    Muh ha ha ha, I have you stumped >:) Don't you worry lovely readers, you'll find out soon enough.

    @xxbluti xx

    Response to the response for that response: Okay I'm going to think about that dream using my super dream interpreting powers, I'll get back to you if I've made any progress.

    TEE HEE, I'm sorry I find your paranoia kind of funny. But at least you guys are paying attention to details... that'll come in handy for this series *wink wink, nudge nudge, poke poke*. *sings* I can see a Halo you know your my saving graaace. You're everything I need and more, it's written all over your faaace. Baby I can feel your halo, pray it won't fade away! *stops singing* sorry that just reminded me of that song. Well I can tell you this much about the party, they're definitely going to play 'Party Rockers' so at least the music's good.

    @ The Popolisk

    You're into folklore? Well you learn something new each day! I agree, Fuchsia is awesome. Seth rose on the awesome meter? Oooh what do I rank? Aww so many people hate spiders :( well I can understand, some of them are poisonous and that sucks when you wake up in the morning and see a poisonous spider on the ceiling. Yeash, talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Warren an old man? *imagines* Yeah absolutely NOTHING would change ;D Oh we've got two detail scouts now! BRING ON THE PARTY! Oh Shakespeare, yeah he's great although it's not something to read when you're half asleep (believe me, been there done that) I HATE TWILIGHT!!! I'm sorry... I do that automatically I can't help it. It's like if you poke a lion it's obviously gonna chase you and possibly kill you... don't poke lions kids! Lesson of day *bum bum buuuum* *star flashes* NOW YOU KNOW (that's an old joke heh heh... I'm so old school, no wonder it's so easy to write about Warren) You may be ruling the world, but I'll still be writing and you'll have to pay ten million bucks for

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • So amazing, as always. But This part was really good!!! It ha info about all of the km really but Warren

    . Sorry I am in a rush or ill writ more

  • XD This one was amazing! So. FUNNY! Aw, the light's not a god? But.... That makes it EVEN WORSE! Too many possible things... especially 'cause I like folklore. Fuchsia is downright awesome; I have nothing else to say about her. But Seth just rose on the Awesome Meter, for being a Disney super fan. Aww, Devin's afraid of spiders? That's just.... Pffft, I dunno what that is, but I sympathize- I hate spiders too. XP Warren... just... Fail, lol. Warren has got to be my second favorite, he's just so old- mannish it's funny. Noah got raised by Fuchsia. So much makes sense now.

    OMiGoD LMFAO! .... This party will be epic. Don't worry xxblutixx, I'm paranoid about it too.

    You got three new books?! Lucky! I hardly get any new stuff to read... Hmm, Shakespeare? Never read him before, but I've wanted to. I HAVE read some Homer though (lemme tell you, that stuff is HARD.) I'll check those out, thanks for the suggestions- it is SO FREAKIN HARD to find a good book- alot of the ones I find are about vampires... and girls.... Basically, Twilight look-alikes. XP You may be rich one day, but I'll be ruling the world! Only as a co-ruler, though; my freind's gonna be the Queen ( if I ruled, mass destruction and anarchy would be inevitable.) I zone out when people are talking too... It's reaaaaaally annoying, because it happens ALL THE TIME. But, um, I think I've rambled- I'll be shutting up now.

    The Popolisk
  • Response to comment on part 10: You go "Eyes like Stars" ^^ I liked that book, and I took out "Ophelia" once at the library, but had no time to read it :( In my opinion, Shakespeare is pretty cool... I have no idea how the guy thought up all those crazy dramas and added rhymes and word play all over the place XP about your dream, it's so funny because it reminds me of a dream I had recently... I was getting swimming lessons in the prefect bathroom at Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy and Snape was the coach, except he was wearing like a red baseball uniform or something o.o

    Response to part 11: LOL Noah's grandma to the rescue, yes, a frying pan is a dangerous weapon. She rescued us, knows about N.E.O.N., gave us cookies, and is offering DISNEY trivia?!? I LOVE NOAH's GRANDMA! XD awwwhh Warren's a puppy doggy :3 ooo cook-off, yesss we get to be the judges :D lol Devin's crazy :3 I love it. *bounces to Party Rock Anthem* *points at screen* It said neon lights o.o NEON... come on... that's got to mean something... or am I being paranoid? XD oh this god is so odd :P that rhymed... enjoying human entertainment XP Party? :D fun fun fun ^^ well, hopefully more fun that the party in my story XD it's not a god? Could it be an angel?

  • Hmm Fuchsia is awesome didn't except to say that about someone elderly. The light since It's not a god? Nope I can't think of what it could be *epic thinking face*

  • @ Twisted_Roots

    I'm glad you like Fuchsia. I want to be like her when I'm an elderly XP

    @ angelic4

    Dude I can do a killer shuffle *shuffles* OH YEAH! A lot of my readers had to take some time to decide, some people are still on the fence about which guy they like so don't worry.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Fuchsia is amazing, I cant decide which guy i like they're all great, it's going to take me a while longer *shuffles* i love LMFAO

  • I really like fuchsia!!! She's awesome :) I think the light is some super hot guy ( that may or may not be a result) and he's helping me and eventually leads me to him in the NEON's prison :D


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