Reasoning and Proof Quiz

This test is about reasoning and proof. It has practically all the information that is included in chapter two. If you do really good, then you know your math!

If your grade from this test is between an 85 and a 100 you did really well. This basically covers all the stuff, so this can also be a help when studying for chapter 2.

Created by: Christie Cannarozzi
  1. What one is a conditional statement?
  2. How do you represent the hypothesis and conclusion in a conditional statement?
  3. A term used when a statement switches a conditional's hypothesis and conclusion.
  4. When a conditional and its converse are true, what can you combine them to form?
  5. What law is it if a conditional is true and its hypothesis is true, then it's conclusion is true?
  6. What law is it if p -> q and q -> r are true statements, then p -> r is a true statement?
  7. What property is if a = b, then a + c = b + c?
  8. What property is it if a = b, then a - c = b - c?
  9. What property is it if a = b, then a x c = b x c?
  10. What property is if a = b, then b = a?
  11. What property is it when a = a?
  12. What property is it if a = b, then b can replace a in any expression?
  13. What term is used when there are two coplanar angles with a common side, a common vertex, and no common interior points?
  14. What term is used when two angles whose measures have a sum of 90?
  15. What term is used when two angles whose measures have a sum of 180?
  16. What term is used when two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays?
  17. What is the part of the sentence in a conditional that comes after the word 'if'?
  18. What part of the conditional comes after the word 'then'?
  19. What words do you answer with when finding the truth value of a conditional?
  20. How is paragraph proof written?

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