R u in love (girls only)

Wow girl u love him.... but just not enough... just try to make ever thing work out between u and him... just try new things with him.... but never try to impress him with stupid things.

Wow girl u love him.... but just lay of a little bit.. i hope everything works out between u and him... just try new things with him.... but never try to impress him with stupid thingz

Created by: teddybear
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is he the only person u think bout
  2. DO u kiss him in public
  3. do u no wat color eyes dose he have
  4. does he only want sex
  5. do u no his hobbies
  6. do u have the password to hiz cell
  7. would u put up with there annoying siblings(if they have any)
  8. have u met hiz mom and dad
  9. do u no his height
  10. wat is hiz fave color

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