Qualification Form

If you haven't went to the Official 3rozion Headquarter's website yet, I suggest you do so now. Because all of the questions here are based off the information there. Here, there, everywhere. Anyways, take your time. BUT NO CHEATING! DO NOT, I SAY DO NOT, LOOK AT THE SITE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AT THE SAME TIME! Is that even possible?

Will YOU qualify as a supportive, commendable member? Take this test thingy, and you will find out. Just be sure you studied the information on the website. Good luck, people!

Created by: SilverTurtle
  1. Do you believe you will pass this test?
  2. Who are the minions of Erosion?
  3. What is ICE?
  4. How long has Erosion been at Mother Earth?
  5. What is the intention of Erosion?
  6. What/who does Erosion hate the most?
  7. Though we should have put this question first or something, what, or who for that matter, is Erosion?
  8. What is the cause of Erosion?
  9. How would you stop Erosion?
  10. What is the pledge you must swear in order for any chance to join the organization of 3rozion?

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