weird_shtuff_94's Profile

Joined on Dec 17, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
weird_shtuff_94's Quizzes
- What animal are you most like?[published: Dec 18, 2009, 2 comments]
Welcome to my quiz! This quiz is to determine what animal you are most like. There are some……
- How random are you?[published: Dec 17, 2009, 4 comments]
Some people are spontaneous, some people are unpredictable, and others are downright random! As in, what on……
weird_shtuff_94's Recent Posts
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weird_shtuff_94's Recent Quiz Comments
"nice quiz! 10/10 :]"
1 -
"I got 9 to 13
I'm 15...going to be 16 in two months...I am so sad right now ]:"
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"I'm a swirling vortex! I love this quiz!! It's awesome XD Make more! :D"
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"Yeah...I'm super skinny [naturally. I eat like a pig and nothing happens, lol] and I can't run worth a darn! I think I have lung problems…"
1 -
"Depressed emo. I don't cut, but the other stuff is right. x]"
1 -
"50%, but I think I know myself better than that =/ I've had loved ones die, I've had people lie to me for years, I've been in a crisis or…"
1 -
"This quiz didn't even HAVE my name as an option..."