Valkie's Profile


Joined on Jul 5, 2020
Status Level: Experienced

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4-Year Club
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Valkie's Quizzes

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Valkie's Recent Posts

  • Official Hellscape
    "🙀 😰 bestie you can't just expose me like that"
  • Official Hellscape
  • Lost & Found Box
    "Ranch was my go to before I became allergic to dairy. Now, I think ketchup has become a fine substitute"
  • How old were u
    "I was either 10 or 11, now I'm 20"
  • "valkie is short for valkyrie"
  • Closure.
    "Ily so much /p This chapter of your life may have ended, but there are so many more waiting to be written! I hope that you are"
  • "That's really interesting! /gen Do you upload your music anywhere? I would love to hear it sometime."
  • Intro!
    "if you could become any league character, who would it be and why?"
  • "I didn't know you make music, that's super cool! Do you write standalone lyrics, or do you also do instrumentals for your work?"
  • Intro~
    "it's nice to meet you! i love miraculous ladybug SO much. do you have a favorite character?"
  • intro
    "are you excited for the new genshin update? (idk if it's already happened or not lol)"
  • Intro Thread
    "I hope you're able to get a good amount of funds from your sales! hi demon "
  • Death
    "It takes Azariah a bit longer to pick up on the stench, but once they do, they begin to walk noticeably slower. The depth of the current sit..."
  • "I hope you have a nice flight!"
  • Intro Thread
    "that deed was truly immaculate. it should be on the top ten best deeds *sprays Jadyn with more water* hi Helena!!"

Valkie's Recent Quiz Comments
