solitary_atheist's Profile

Joined on Apr 25, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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solitary_atheist's Quizzes
- What Religion are you?[published: May 08, 2012, 16 comments]
There are many religions in this world. This quiz may help you see what religion, or lack of one, you……
solitary_atheist's Recent Posts
"Naruto is far better. Bleach is far FAR better."
"This is the right one [no urls]?quiz_key=what_religion_are_you_7"
"I'm sorry."
"This is the right one [no urls]?quiz_key=what_religion_are_you_7"
"[no urls]?quiz_key=what_religion_are_you_7"
"Quite so. Thank you for clearing it up a bit."
"any ideas for more verses?"
"Hey, soul eater, you look like an egg-beater. I'm stuck there."
"That puts her in her place. And nice trick with the "bait", too."
"well adios evryone"
"I'm the opposite. My pronunciation and all is good but it is harder to write in it."
"I can speak spainish quite well, my aunt is from argentina"
solitary_atheist's Recent Quiz Comments
"I understand why so many christian are getting muslim/jew. When the quiz says "Three forms of god" That means the trinity"
2 -
"I Believe you. As I said, this is just for fun and not nessecarily true. Take results witha grain of salt"