Raiden Ripper's Profile


Raiden Ripper
Joined on May 29, 2020
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Raiden Ripper's Quizzes

Raiden Ripper's Recent Posts

  • Dark Hour
    "My teef said wut now?"
  • Dark Hour
  • Dark Hour
    "It's raining today."
  • Dark Hour
    "Probably gonna go home and sleep play MGS"
  • Dark Hour
    "My jaw hurts, I'm hungry, this is a sad day, man..."
  • Dark Hour
    "Y'all good? It ded today."
  • Dark Hour
    "I'm hungry..."
  • Dark Hour
    "Tiny world."
  • Dark Hour
    "I'm tired, world."
  • Dark Hour
    "I've managed to eat a biscuit, though, so at least one meal is good..."
  • Dark Hour
    "Hardly able to eat. Can barely open my mouth enough to talk. It's like my jaw is stuck."
  • Dark Hour
    "Two horrible guys in one day. One trying to use me as entertainment, and the other suicide baiting... Ugh."
  • Touch The Sky
    "I'm done."
  • Touch The Sky
    "Don't really have anywhere else to go, so..."
  • Touch The Sky

Raiden Ripper's Recent Quiz Comments
