perc30's Profile

Joined on Jul 1, 2019
Status Level: Newbie

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5-Year Club
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  • Prove me wrong
    "LTGB or whatever the f--- it is Is a mental illness How are we born? STRAIGHT SEX it’s natural That’s how your"
  • "p----"
  • 2019 Meme Thread
    "I ain’t even look at these until after I posted and these ain’t even memes yo💀😂 For a bunch of virgins who do nothing but stay inside "
  • 2019 Meme Thread
    "“SFW” “Memes” Pick one slowpoke"
  • Yo
    "Can I get a moderator pass I don’t have my old account but I’m the oldest user who’s still active."
  • "I’ve seen all my “friends” on here leave And I’ve seen all my “friends” in reality turn all for nothing There’s no change in the"

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