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obese olivia
Joined on May 8, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"I dream of being 2000 pounds and beating the highest weight. I hope all my buttons and zippers pop soon and that I get a huge muffin top…"
In response to Fattygurl01:
"Do you think im fat if i am 12 years old and…"
1 -
"An answer other than a ridiculous one is youre extremely underweight honestly: Im 11 too, but I weigh 120 lbs, and the norm is 100. So…"
In response to Emmie Jo:
"Hi. I am 11 years old, weigh 79.3, and am…"
1 -
"Actually, either way youre obese. You weigh a lot over the norm. Not trying to be rude. According to a BMI calculator, you weigh 33rd or…"
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"Are you a boy or girl?"
In response to Bird:
"Am I obese? Im 13 5, 2. And 187 pounds."
1 -
"Im obese, but I got overweight. Great. At least I seem like Im not 25 pounds over the average for my age."