Musical_Lily's Profile


Joined on Jul 9, 2016
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Musical_Lily's Quizzes

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Musical_Lily's Recent Posts

  • True identity
    "oops sorry Giorgia. This is gkonna take alot of getting used to) (magie can u change my pic?)"
  • ""Skateboarding pranks" Jason said, looking at the moving truck and grabbing his skateboard. ("
  • True identity
    "Magie now we all have the same pic."
  • Sacred Sisters
  • True identity
    "oops would"
  • True identity
    "*Slams forehead down on table* Even if I was stupid AF i wouldnt guess that it isnt."
  • True identity
    "Charlie, I did the same. I didnt want to give out meh real name, So I used Kimberly. My actual name is Cassandra or Cassy"
  • "Marcus laughed and stared at me. "What are you talking about?" He asked."
  • Sacred Sisters
    "Alethea laughed, and turned back around. "You can keep the rose" she wisphered"
  • "Jason opened the door. "Hey" Jason said, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes. He grabbed his jordans and ran out side"
  • "sorry. I have been busy latley)(I will be again today)"
  • Sacred Sisters
    "Alethea nodded. and looked at the drawing. "That is a real rose isnt it" Alethea said pointing"
  • ""On severak Friday afternoons during the year, we gathered at the home of the head custodian fir card games, bocce contests, horseshoes,beer..."
  • Have You Ever?
    "Nope Have you ever had a crush that thought you were "Annoying", but they still talk "
  • Sacred Sisters
    "Thea Sat down in her regular seat ror class and started working."

Musical_Lily's Recent Quiz Comments
