Killa Da Ghetto's Profile

Killa Da Ghetto
Joined on Jul 23, 2013
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Killa Da Ghetto's Quizzes

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Killa Da Ghetto's Recent Posts

  • "I honestly have no idea why people aren't Why would you choose to be burnt, forever and ever, in TRUE torment? Why wouldn't you like to be i..."
  • badminton
    "I play all sports pretty much."
  • "I run end up running to Wal-Mart to pick up a pack of gum and run back (About 13 miles total)"
  • "*he assumes it* Truly, I think GTQ Guy is more athletic."
  • Does anyone here swim?
    "I can tread water for over 3 hours. Also, I can swim back and forth non stop for like 5 hours."
  • Almost fifteen.
    "Damn right. Dude. Chill. The. f---. Out. I didn't say I could outrun you, and how many miles can you run straight? I did a f"
  • What the f---
    "Damask Idiot. Dude, woman don't want f---in blood running blood down there friggin pants. (Many) Girls want to look attractive, preferably n..."
  • Best typo?
    "Here one: (I do this in my class all the time on accident) The answer to number sex is... "

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