Hina's Profile

Joined on Oct 26, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Hina's Recent Posts
"I've been playing for about two months, my sister and her friend taught me how"
"That's so cool that you play DnD"
"This is my official thread now btw and I'm the alt of eggaly"
"Ah cinna you play DnD?"
"And I don't have math homework"
"I'm gonna have so much fun"
"It's time for tiny arsonists and or grilled leeks"
"CaN i HaVe A wHoPpEr"
"Keyboard x brycen"
"Yep they're one of the softest animals in the world"
"Me: *is sleeping* Alexei: I have the best prank idea"
"*hides in a tree from embarrassment*"
""it's freezing and this house has the worst insulation." Victor said"
"Ugh fine *Kisses summer quickly while blushing intensely* There"
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