Acridian's Profile

Joined on May 14, 2020
Status Level: Novice
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4-Year Club
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"National Socialism is neither left-wing nor right-wing. Fascism is not socialism either. what the f--- are you people smoking before you…"
In response to FredrikOestman:
"Fascism is socialism, extremely left-wing.…"
2 -
"Hawking was entirely wrong about Black holes and they are not singularities. Do you smoke crack or something? The universe is electric…"
In response to Acridian:
"Alt-right folks don't like Richard Spencer. He…"
0 -
"Alt-right folks don't like Richard Spencer. He is a cuck progressive. Jared Taylor would be a much better representative for 'Alt-right'…"
3 replies-1