abnormal legends's Profile


abnormal legends
Joined on Jun 8, 2021
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
100 Quiz
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abnormal legends's Quizzes

abnormal legends's Recent Posts

  • -- cosmic river zone
    "thanks :P also idk why but im listening to another one bites the dust and its better than most other musics today 💀"
  • Stuck together
    ""Let's wait a bit and see what it does. It just ate something, like, 5 minutes ago?""
  • Roleplay with no title
    "(same for me, its alright though lol) (also sorry for the short reply my brain isn't braining) Izaiah smiled, noticing the playful ..."
  • Stuck together
    ""I think it's still hungry." Olivia guessed, inspecting its behavior."
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "whats da buzz"
  • Roleplay with no title
    "(it's okay! :D) "It is beautiful." Izaiah agreed, nodding his head. "Imagine if we got lost in there, though. Navigating our way ba..."
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "Good afternoon people"
  • Stuck together
    "(also sorry for late reply ;-;) Olivia chuckled along with him, looking at the bird as it chirped."
  • Daily Fun Facts
    "Fun fact #4 Giraffes are 30x more likely to get struck by lightning than humans are."
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "c i c a d a i n v a s i o n"
  • Daily Fun Facts
    "Fun fact #3 Identical twins have different fingerprints."
  • -- cosmic river zone
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "this? ŏ"
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "this thing does not want to work"
  • -- cosmic river zone
    "testing: []"

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