Pregnancy Basics 101

Many questions may come to your mind about pregnancy, especially when it is occurring to you! The answers to these questions are here in this website!

But first, how much do you know about pregnancy? This quiz is here to ask you question you may not have thought about until now and to test your knowledge. Don't worry. If you don't do so well, just continue through the website to learn more about pregnancy!

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is the cause of morning sickness?
  2. How long is a full-term pregnancy?
  3. How much weight should you gain during the second & third trimester?
  4. What is the recommendation for exercise while pregnant?
  5. How much folate do you need during pregnancy?
  6. Where is folate found?
  7. What kinds of fish should I consume during pregnancy?
  8. What food contains listeriosis (a foodbourne illness)
  9. Is gestational diabetes serious?
  10. What is pica?

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