How Pregnant Are You?

Are you pregnant? Forget those EPT thingamajigs you find at your local store. This is the REAL pregnancy test! Take a shot and find out if you really are..or maybe you aren't!! We shall find out!

Simply answer each question about pregnancy as best as you can. There is no time limit, so be sure to answer each question as accurately as possible. This test has been brought to you by the Letters A, D, M, and the number 12. Enjoy!

Created by: Dr Pepper PhD

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a tummy?
  2. Have you recently had any food that could be digested?
  3. Are your breasts sore if someone twists them with pliers?
  4. Have you ever been a child when you were younger?
  5. Have you been born within the last 100 years?
  6. After i roll these dice, what number comes up?
  7. Do you breathe to live?
  8. What will you have on your Tombstone?
  9. Who let the dogs out?
  10. Do you text message people?
  11. Have you ever been to Earth?
  12. Does question 14 turn you on? Well?? Does IT??!

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Quiz topic: How Pregnant am I?