My Last Quiz Ever and I mean it! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz My Last Quiz Ever and I mean it!

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  • Don't give up! Why would you believe these people?! I personally haven't taken any of your quizzes that I know of but my friend has and she loved it! Please don't give up. You may be leaving behind so many fans that you don't know of! I know I couldn't leave THAM behind and my fans, so don't do the same!

  • Don't quit just because some people leave bad comments! I personally haven't taken your qizzes, I'm more of a series girl, but I'm sure that if you put work into them, and care about how they turn out they're fine! Everybody gets bad comments, or low raters. It's normal! Don't stop doing something you love because some people made you feel bad. It's your life, don't let what other people say dictate what you do!

  • Don't listen to the asSes who give you a hard time. If you let other people drag you down, then life will really suck! I've never heard of you, but I have taken a few of your quizes and I thought they were really good. Don't give up!

    Selena Jefferson
  • I've never heard of you, but don't quit! you shouldn't just quit just because some a-hole left a mean comment on ur quiz. Just say "whatever." and keep making quizzes! :)

  • PLEASE!!! DONT QUIT! we NEED you! I NEVER EVER leave bad comments! Please don't QUIT!

  • Don't worry I had bad comments on mie before and I am like so, who asked you for opinion? :p I don't give a poo about negative comments, cuz they are just rude people, who just need to zip it...(:

  • Just because they put a bad comment doesn't mean you should quit making quiz's. (this is a bad example but) Do you think Justin Bieber gave up when people started calling him gay. Do you think Selena Gomez gave up when people started sending her death threats. Do you think Elmo gave up looking for Big Bird when Big Bird got kidnapped. Those are terrible examples but if they didn't get bad comments and just gave up they wouldn't be who they are today.

  • Don't listen to what ppl say about your quizzes (if it's a bad comment) I'm pretty sure there r lots of ppl out there who like taking ur quizzes but can't post a comment because they don't have an account and if they did I'm pretty sure they would say something totally amazing and nice; so don't listen to the negative comments.


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