Multiple Personality Quiz

I am amazed at how many myths and misinformation exists in the world regarding multiple personalities. Most people do not have any kind of real facts or knowledge about this disorder. I would like to see that change especially since I was diagnosed with it about 15 years ago.

I have been in therapy for many years and worked very hard. I have researched and also been educated by psychologists, psychiatrists and licensed counselors about this disorder. Enjoy this enlightening quiz!

Created by: LokiFan
  1. Multiple Personality Disorder is the former name of this disorder:
  2. Multiple Personalities form in a person that
  3. People with multiple personalities
  4. The course of treatment for Multiple Personality Disorder is
  5. People with this disorder are
  6. A person with multiple personalities hears audible voices.
  7. Multiple personalities can be 'healed' or 'gotten rid of' with medication.
  8. The only disorder one can fully recover from is
  9. A person forms different personalities
  10. Though it is understandable that people would be uneasy around a person with this diagnosis, they really have nothing to fear. They are very rarely dangerous.

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