Medieval Love Story, Part 1

A medieval jousting tournament in the land of Gorgeous Guys. You decide to go, and meet many suitors there, and a danger. Who will save you? Who do you want to save you?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I see. You want the hottest. Or the most sensitive. Or the funniest. Or the nicest. Or the richest. Which one shall you choose?

Created by: silver
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Once upon a time, in the land of Gorgeous Guys, there was a jousting tournament. Being a lady, you are inclined to go, as you are still single, and there will be many gorgeous knights and lords there. You might even meet the king!
  2. Once you arrive, you see a man on a white stallion arrive. He has tussled, perfect blonde hair, and the bluest eyes of all. "Hello lady." he says "I will fight for you. I am Sir Hottie."
  3. You want to shout "I don't even know you, but you're gorgeous!" But instead, you say, "I may except your offer, unless someone better comes along."
  4. He looks down, seeming dejected, and rides away. No sooner has he left on his white stallion then up comes a Lord in silver armor on a midnight black stallion. He has black hair, as black as his horse, and bluer eyes than Sir Hottie. "If not him, will you allow me to fight for you? I am Lord Sensitive."
  5. You say, "Perhaps." Then let him walk off, dejected, to join Sir Hottie.
  6. A horn blares, and the match begins. Sir Hottie rides full speed toward Lord Sensitive on his white mare, and BAM! The lance makes contact with Lord Sensitives chest. However, Lord Sensitive stays tactfully on his horse. Aside from that, he manages a hit on Sir Hottie too.
  7. The match goes on, and eventually Sir Hottie knocks Lord Sensitive off his horse. You remain unfeeling, not having chosen anyone yet.
  8. As Lord Sensitive rides off to attend to his wounds, and Sir Hottie to his fans, a page rides up on a cream colored horse. He has green eyes and curly red hair, an odd one out in the sea of blondes and brunettes. "Pardon me, my lady," he says, "But may I have the honor of fighting for you? I am Klaus Kindness." So many offers in one day! But you say the same thing as before: "Maybe,"
  9. He rides to his starting point, and the next and last competitor rides up. He has brown eyes and brown hair, and as he rides up he gives a hearty laugh. "Sir Laugh-a-lot, my lady!" he says, "May I be your knight?" then he laughs again. You say maybe and let him take his starting point. The match begins.
  10. They ride toward each other at full speed, and Klaus is knocked off his horse. A gaurd runs up, yelling "My King!" Then realizes he has said too much. "King?" you ask, "What do you mean?" He nods. "I was disguised. I am King Kindness."
  11. Snap! You turn to see a man in black behind you. He grabs you and begins to carry you out. He has Black hair and green eyes. He covers your mouth so you can't scream. You kick, but eventually he hits you, and you black out.
  12. CLIFFHANGER!!!!Who do you choose?

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