Med-cat Quiz she-cats only

Have fun finding out what kind of med-cat you are! this is my first thing so don't judge me please!fkjvhnf hidgdhgvdjhdhd fbhf bdvbdfgbdfbhndjsfnbvkgfdshucxkj

Have a great day and hope you have fun!sjfhslnfshdhfgs fshf gbdfjhb kjfshfkjhdf jhsdfhjkdsnmcbjgfvgxcjgvbkjhgftcgvbhnjkhuygtfrdexc vbnmkljuhytrewqZxcfvghjkl;'/.

Created by: First timer
  1. Let's say that you are a med-cat and you are gathering herbs and a sliver tom pops out of a bush he says "Hi I'm Slivertail and I wanted to ask if you want to meet up in two days." You
  2. Later (no matter what you chose) (still a med-cat) Treetail (a brown tom) asked you to come with him. He takes you to a hunting place and says "Will you be my mate?" Do you
  3. What clan do you want?
  4. What is your trait (sorry if yours was not up here)
  5. You have kits! How do you feel?
  6. Dogs are attacking! what do you do?
  7. What do you eat?
  8. Your kits go MISSING what do you do?
  9. are you loyal?
  10. Well bye!

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