she-cats only warrior mate

have fun finding out who fits you if you dont like your answer change your answers!have fun and make your own she cat to go with it! once again HAVE FUN

please note that this is she cats only if your a tom sorry i bet your still pretty cool! have a great time this is my first quiz!YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: RedStar
  1. you find out your a former kittypet what do you do?
  2. you see kit that don't belong to your clan but there in trouble
  3. a Friend is being attacked by a friend you met at a gathering from another clan what do you do?
  4. your a kit and your mom wants you to be a leader/warrior but you want to be a med
  5. none of these matter really but one will do somthing
  6. Choose
  7. choose
  8. choose AGAIN
  10. Wow this is fun.................CHOOSE

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