Warrior Cats Love Story - Amberfeathers Fate - Part One

You are Amberkit of RiverClan. Your mother is named Willowfur and your father is Hollowfeather, deputy of the clan. There are five other kits in the nursery with you, Sharpkit, Lilykit, Beetlekit, Frostkit, and your sister Featherkit.

There are five love interests in this quiz including no one. I hope you have fun! Lilykit is female and please don’t complain about that there are plenty of toms too. This is my first quiz so don’t judge.

Created by: Wingfall
  1. Have you read the description? If not, you should.
  2. Featherkit pokes you in the side with her paw. “Wake up, Amberkit,” she says, “The other kits want to play mossball but we have uneven teams.” You lift your head groggily and stand up. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” you say.
  3. You walk outside the den and a crisp leafbare breeze greets you. You are assigned to be on a team with Featherkit and Frostkit. You start to play and notice that Lilykit is having trouble getting the ball. You know she is on the other team…
  4. Regardless of what you do, Sharpkit steals the ball from you. He passes to Beetlekit, who in turn passes it to Lilykit. Lilykit grabs the ball but trips and falls. Frostkit runs over to her to see if she’s alright.
  5. Beetlekit runs over to Lilykit. He looks at her worriedly. “She’s showing signs of whitecough,” he says, “Amberkit, go fetch Briarfoot.”
  6. You walk into the medicine den and immediately see Briarfoot. She’s an old tabby she-cat with glaring yellow eyes. She looks at you and sighs, “What is it?”“Beetlekit says that Lilykit has whitecough,” you explain.“Does he now?” Briarfoot says in a surprised tone. She grabs some herbs and follows you to where the other kits are.“This is definitely whitecough,” she says after a bit, “That was a good catch Beetlekit. She should stay the rest of the day and the night in the medicine den and take some tansy but she’ll be fine.”
  7. It’s late when you finally head back to your den. You lay down in your nest with your mother and Featherkit. As you are drifting off you hear a rustling in the reeds surrounding the camp. You perk up. Suddenly, you hear an alarmed yowl from the guards at the entrance of the camp, “FOX!”
  8. Everyone is awake in an instant. Warriors are rushing to fight. You are shoved to the back of the den along with the other kits.
  9. You can hear the sounds of a battle outside the nursery walls. Then you feel hot breath behind you. You turn around to see a fox, it’s lips drawn back in a snarl, slip through a barely noticeable hole behind you. It stands on its hind paws, it’s jaws snapping towards you. Suddenly an amber shape slams into the fox. It’s Willowfur! She swipes at its muzzle and it turns to her. It crouches low to the ground and then leaps at her. It’s jaws close around her neck and you hear a snap. You flinch. Featherkit screams. The other kits tremble. Hollowfeather rushes into the den just in time to see his mate’s body fall to the ground. Hollowfeather charges at the fox. They seem to fight for eternity until your father gains the upper hand. The fox turns and flees. You stand there in shock.
  10. Moons have passed since the fox attack and your mother’s passing. It’s your apprentice ceremony! Your mentor is Wingstar, the leader! Frostpaw’s mentor is Elmleaf, Sharppaw’s mentor is Echoclaw, Lilypaw’s mentor is Hollowfeather, Featherpaw’s mentor is Brooksplash, and Beetlepaw’s mentor is Briarfoot.
  11. That’s it! I’m working on a part two

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