Love Story (part 7)

i'm sorry it took me so long to write this next chapter. I hope some of you will come back and continue reading about your love story. OK since its been a really long time i shall recap =]

you were staying at a special government refugee housing apartment because Brads parents are goverment officials and they are in danger putting him and everyone else close to him in danger. so now you are on your way to somewhere in Kentucky.

Created by: heather sutton
  1. Your led to the vehicle that you will be driven all the way to Kentucky in with no rest stops. It looks barely large enough to carry you all including the two officers escorting you.
  2. there are 2 rows of seats in the van. each has room to seat 3 people. you and the 2 smallest boys (brad and jeff) share the back seat while Cody and Kyle sit in the middle row.
  3. as you all settle in to your seats and buckle up you feel slightly uncomfortable sitting imbetween the two boys feuding over your love. it makes you feel,
  4. as you all settle in to your seats and buckle up you feel slightly uncomfortable sitting imbetween the two boys feuding over your love. it makes you feel,
  5. the engine starts and you try to calm yourself. after driving for an hour you start feeling tired. who do you lean on as you fall asleep?
  6. well whoever u started leaning against you wake up leaning on Brad.
  7. "goodmorning my sweet angel."
  8. well whatever you say he smiles at you with his loving eyes and you hear someone make dramatic gagging noises. its Jeff. Cody and Kyle look back and roll their eyes at his immaturity.
  9. the van stops in front of a cute little house, you assume you have arrived in Kentucky. Just then one of the officers cell phones ring and you listen to their conversation: "yes" "wait, when" "Isle conserveitive?" "is there housing, well of course" Kyle and Cody look at each other with concerened expressions. "whats going on?" you ask. then the officers say, "we need to get them to Isle Conservietive out in the pacific ocean." cody and Kyle just nod.
  10. uh oh looks like a cliff hanger!!!
  11. follow me on twitter and i will update you when the next one comes out! =]

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