Is your persona a Mary Sue?

There are lots of similar characters...lots of them are the Mary Sues, ocs that aren't particular at all! Gimmie a shotgun because i wanna shoot em all!

A Mary Sue has a big shaped body, is cute, is popoular but bullied (like WHAT!? IS THE OPPOSITE THING!) and so on. They follow all or most of the typical cliché. Is your persona a Mary Sue? Discover it here!

Created by: Kilia01
  1. Your character has big body shapes? (If it's a male answer "no" or go to the next question)
  2. Has your character got superpowers?
  3. Your character has problems in his/her family?
  4. If yes, which type of problems?
  5. How many people fell in love with your character?
  6. What does your persona look like?
  7. Does he/she felt parental abuse?
  8. Has your character strange coloured hair?
  9. Has your character got strange coloured eyes without contact lenses?
  10. Is your character a mythical creature (ex:vampire, god/goddess, demon, centaur...)
  11. Is your character possessed by some entities or has mental disorders?
  12. Your persona has also social anxiety or depression?
  13. Does your persona cut him/herself?
  14. Has your persona a tragic past?
  15. Is your character adopted, stole from the birth, separated from a brother/sister/family?
  16. Is your persona bullied?
  17. Has he/she some phobias?
  18. Is he/she clever?
  19. Is your character poetic and extremely romantic?
  20. Is your character popoular?
  21. Did your character duied but raised?
  22. Is your character in love, but this causes problems?
  23. Is your character a royality?
  24. Does your persona come from anoter universe/planet/dimension?
  25. Do you see this character as the real you?
  26. Do you see this character as a friend/an alter ego?
  27. Do you like Mary Sues?
  28. Are you a Mary Sue?

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Quiz topic: Is my persona a Mary Sue?