Is your friend fat

Sometimes you may wonder if you are the fat friend or if your friend is well this quiz helps you figure out if your friend is fat skinny or normal or in between

You can also learn to see if you need to help your friend with their weight or your friend may want to see your point of view of what they look like. So please enjoy

Created by: Brad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think your friend is fat
  2. Does there belly stick out
  3. What do they eat
  4. Is there body soft and squishy
  5. What is there body shape
  6. Do they have a double chin
  7. How big are there breasts
  8. How much do they eat
  9. What do (you think) they see when they look down
  10. Do they think they are fat
  11. How much of their belly can you/they grab

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Quiz topic: Is my friend fat