is your enemy jealous of you?

Don't worried you are better than your enemy and everybody has a enemy and everyone. is better.than them so don't back down and don't look down be happy and smile

This just a little fact... Did you know that Blondies are the least smartest in the world there is less blondies in college than browns and Asians no effence blondies

Created by: amilee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do they ever tell you that you have pretty hair?
  2. Does she ever stare at you?
  3. Does she ever look at you while whispering to their friends ?
  4. Does she ever ask to look at your grades?
  5. Do you know if she talks during lunch or anytime?
  6. Does she have a phone and show it off?
  7. Does she ever show off on any soical network?
  8. Does she ever.try to give you some advice
  9. Does she ever play with her hair and act pretty?
  10. does she ever show off that she got a new car

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Quiz topic: Is my enemy jealous of you?