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Have you ever thought that your mom might be fat and have wanted to find out? Or, is your mom dead and you want to let everyone know? Either way, dive in and find the answer to the question: Is my mom fat?

Words so I can get this paragraph done ( it needs 150 characters ): egyfgyfgygfyfggryfgyrgfyrgyfgrgfrfrgygfigwgfygwfyuggdfiygfygfyhgfyhgygyfrgryegfuyfgufgyugygfyug

Created by: ur mom
  1. Is your mom still alive?
  2. How much does she weigh
  3. How tall is she
  4. How much does your dad weigh
  5. do U like this quiz so far
  6. how old is your mom
  7. In your standards, is your mom fat
  8. Do you plan on rating a smiley face
  9. by how much is your mom older than you
  10. by the way, before you submit, if you got a zero it means that she is skinny while a 100 is really fat. ( answer has no effect )

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