Infusion part 1 | Comments

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  • HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!! Omg u mixed my favorite two series!!!!! I love it!!!! I wouldn't have thought of it!!!!!!! Ur a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

  • I was surprised it wasn't Stella who was in the room with the guys but never the less I can't wait for part 2

  • THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!! Although now I can't decide between Patch and Kris. Why must you guys do this to me!!!!!

    elf maiden
  • @Aria okay, thanks for reading (:

    @Missy Prissy Cat Thank you! Both of our series will still continue, so yes, Infusion will be like an alternate universe *makes spooky ghost noises* I don't know why I felt like doing that XP

  • YOU GO GLEN COCO! ~Mean Girls~

    I love referencing that movie. So a few things I want to adress. First off, the set-up flowed very well and that was great. Secondly, BLAKE AND ERICA ARE ENGAGED!!!! My jaw dropped in shock when I read that. It makes sense though, they're perfect for each other. Thirdly... JUSTIN AND CALISTO AHHHHHHHH *fangirls* that just made my day okay. It sucks though because I love them both so much XD The Milia is half human half immortal right? So I need to ask something. Will the two series stop from where they are and be continued in "Infusion" or is this an alternate universe sort of thing?

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • WTF....I now came back from Cheshire and England and I'm pissed with my mum because of...something...

    Anyway, I'm the milia? Coolio, but when I feel happy, or intense, I'll comment again xD

  • Thanks angelic! ^^ I know, I'm excited about Patch and Kris at the same place too! XP I'm always surprised about how many Blake supporters there are, but then again... he's a romantic, bad boy flirt so...

  • finally it's here, yayz, this is great and a twist to, too bad about Blake he was one of my fave guys, I love it part 2. Kris and Patch together eeeeeeep *dies to hot guy heaven* ahhh i want to see how it'll turn out. I really cant stop smiling

  • Thanks singin234 and WTF_NINJA ^^

  • Late comment! Oh my sweet cow nipples.That.Was.Aw esome! You see,at first I was like, Whaaat ,and then I was like, Oooooooh ,and finally I was like, I need more! :3 Can't wait for part 2!

  • Really good my head is still spining right now...

  • @Jinx_TheSleuth! aww thanks ^__^ and omg lol I know Erika and Blake are just perfect huh? :b and Lyla is xxblutixx's character I think I should have mentioned that :o but yes! go glen coco! lol I love saying that (X but I'll check it out x (:

    @eve1241 thanks x(:

  • AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHH HH!!!!!!!!!!* can't control myself* My two favorite writers are collabing!!!!!! This is great already. I can't wait for the next part. I LOVE PATCH & ALEX but I also like KRIS ^___^ I thought Blake was a nice guy but he's with that b****. Who's Lyla???? So excited ^___^

    P.S. Please try out my quiz "Love in Despair Part 1" Thanks!

    P.P.S You go Glen Coco! LOL

  • It was really good! I can't wait for the next one!

  • @xbox360fan thank you! ah, yes that is frustrating, both the keyboard and the guy indecision. Both happen to me too! The indecision more than the keyboard though XP when I try to play those games where you move aroun with the arrow keys is where my keyboard is stubborn and won't move :P

  • Well it was friggin awesome. I don't know about Blake. My keyboard hate's me. It keep's skipping letter's or the spacebar doesn't want to work. It's annoying. Oop's got side-tracked there. Anyway's word's can't explain how excited/happy I am for this to be out. Kris... And Patch I don't who I like more. I hate when you're reading a series, and you get stuck inbetwen two or more guy's. Eh, I'm going to go finish watching 'Red Vs Blue'. Bye.

  • ivoryleaf: congratulations on being the first comment on the first part! *throws confetti* glad you liked it ^^ oh, oops, I just realized I'm signed into my account and not the joint one... ah well. Don't worry, you're among several people who like Blake. Glad you see it that way ^^ oh that reminds me I'm supposed to be writing a POV by him soon o.o I'm so behind. Oh boy, yes I like bad boys too XD so bad for me...

  • Yay it's out :D So 'I'm' the Milia? Wow o.o

    It's great since the mashup wasn't confusing and it just flowed together. I've read both of the series already and it :) It's interesting to read all the mash ups because you really dun know what will happen because everything's all twisted up. In a good way.

    Am I the only one that likes Blake? Sure he's evil but I like him. Maybe not that evil. Not evil :P Well I like him because in all the truth, we haven't heard his story yet and there might be a peace treaty or something idk. I guess I just like bad boys xD (remember Jace in Paranormal Love? He was good :)


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