im going to write a story as i go cause im bored

OK I admit I cheated a little this was really based on another story except that the name was different it still has the same ending as before but I added more to the story if you think I should write more please comment

I hope you like this story and enjoy it. This is one of the few stories if written the first one I've posted in any website I just usually write it on paper and leave it there. But anyway I hope you like it

Created by: lindseyt
  1. There once was a girl named Rebecca, Rebecca was very stubborn and selfish.she didn't think about Anyone but herself.She didn't have any friends. But she didn't care.Some people thought Rebecca just simply didn't have a heart.but who knows.
  2. One day Rebecca found out she was moving Rebecca didn't want to move so she decided she was going to hide until the moving day came.Rebecca thought her parents would be so sorry for her that they would decided not to move anymore,she would hide in the woods that were by her house. She would leave at midnight.
  3. At midnight Rebecca ready to run away. She went into her closet and pulled out a duffel bag. Rebecca decided to pack her fat outfits,makeup,jewelry, and her favourite purse. Rebecca went outside through her back door.Rebecca had never been in the woods before, much less by herself.But she keep telling herself I'm Rebecca Rachel Ryan, and I can Handel any task and in she went in the woods
  4. Rebecca.went into the woods she was scared but would never bring herself to admit it.She hosted her duffel bag on her shoulder and went on ahead. Depper she went i into the woods the scarder she felt.Finally she decided she would rest and continue her way I n the woods tomorrow. She decided to sleep under the shade of a tree. Rebecca was reallytired.She wished she was back home.but she dididn't want people to think she was wimp, so she simply fell asleep thinking about that
  5. In the morning Rebecca wakes was all a dream she tells her self but then she realizes that she was still in the woods.Rebecca gets up and looks around, the woods looked less scary in the light.Rebecca is grateful.
  6. Rebecca turns to look for her bag she doesn'tsee it.then she sees a trail of clothes and supplies.She looks cclosely and sees that that's her clothes.Rebeccca decides to follow it
  7. Rebecca follows and follows the trail of clothes but it doesn't seem to end finally it gets dark again and Rebecca realizes see starving. She decided s to take a brake from the trail and look for food. She goes deeper and it gets darker. Rebecca was really scarednow.
  8. Rebecca started hearing screams Rebecca was really fritened. She wanted to be with herdad and mom in their safe home.She decided if she ever got home she would try tochange her ways,she would do anything to get home now.ReBecca was really scared.
  9. Rebecca was hearing much more screams now that where lonuder much louder
  10. AHHH!!!!!!!!!

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