Do you fit KBS? Female

This quiz is to see how many KBS you match remember you are beautiful no matter what you get I hope you have fun doing it have a nice day and enjoy this quiz!

I looked all of this up or read it some were so this is not my opinion you are unique in your own way this is just for fun DO NOT LET IT GET TO YOU have a nice day!

Created by: Lemonyy
  1. What is your skin color?
  2. How clear is your skin?
  3. Do you have double eyelid?
  4. What is your body type?
  5. What is your face shape?
  6. What is your height?
  7. Small face?
  8. Big eyes?
  9. lips?
  10. Thigh gap?
  11. long legs?
  12. Straight shoulder line?
  13. straight white teeth?
  14. Straight eyebrows?
  15. nose?
  16. Body shape?

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Quiz topic: Do I fit KBS? Female
