Idk what to call this QUIZ ROBLOX

this is a quiz I don’t reallly know why I made this I hate it very much also the second description is Useless so it is going to be filled with Gibberish ok

Dhididtejhw dsnsgsh do v egg. Fidget b. Garfield. Dndjdn f3GS’s2ikfgsiru2ldhbdndha7dmgs)dragga(jdjdhdndb d did d. D d d d bdgehevfegefgdgdvgdbdvdhbdfdhdg

Created by: Helloimznewbie7626
  1. Which game is have more objects in ROBLOX?
  2. Which game is more popular in Roblox
  3. Which game is Better (is the Creatirs opinions)
  4. Which is the first Roblox Account
  5. What is my username (Guessing Time)
  6. I like crisps
  7. What scripting does Roblox studio use
  8. What game is discotuned
  9. Which game is the WORST GAME EVER TO EXIST ON Roblox (my opinion)
  10. Good Bye (Guess the correct one

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