I WIll Guess Your Mood! | Comments

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  • Anxious, somewhat true sense I am quite worried lately about some health issues that has been going on lately but I'm trying to overcome those issues.

  • Yeah, my emotions are just really short-lived, so my mood reverts to plain really quickly. For example, I could feel sad for a few seconds, and my eyes might get a bit watery but that's it. Wasn't always the case though, I was more sensitive as a kid

  • Your Result: Happy 74%

    You feel very happy right now. Something very good probably just happened or you are enjoying life and living it to the fullest. While taking this quiz, you probably chose answers that were happy. Yea! :P No im not even a little bit happy im very sad :(

    fluffy cloud
  • Your Result: Depressed 83%

    You feel very depressed and something very sad or tragic probably has happened in your life recently. If nothing tragic has happened in your life, you are probably emo or gothic and you hate yourself. I advise you to take the "Are You Emo?" test next.

    60% Bored
    53% Plain
    21% Happy

    The faded smoke

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