I know your name?

There are very little amount of people who really know their self. In order for me to realize your name you need to answer these questions about you and that will help me guess your name okay

do you really know your self as you think Well if you think orr if you hope so then challenge your self take deah quiz and if you know all of thiss information i beat I can guess your name.......do you think I can guess your name? but who know

Created by: christine morgan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you mean?
  2. Do you like to hit people?
  3. Are you pretyy
  4. Are you stylish
  5. What the first letter of your name?
  6. Are you well educated
  7. Do you get boyz
  8. What's your favorite color
  9. Do you hate haters
  10. What's your favorite show
  11. Do you think I kan guess your name?
  12. Did you like this quiz
  13. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: I know my name?