DC Comics Quizzes

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  4. DC Comics

A place for quizzes about the heroes and villains of the DC comics universe. Who is your favorite DC superhero? Batman is always a favorite, but comic fans also love Superman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and many more. Over time we hope to have a quiz on just about every DC series. You can help by making a superhero quiz yourself!


Our DC Universe Quizzes

Batman Quizzes

Find them on our Batman page.

Superman Quizzes

Have you seen our daily top 40 quizzes?

Thanks for making GoToQuiz your quiz site. Create a quiz for Facebook, your blog, web site, or journal using our simple step-by-step process.

Don't Miss:

And don't forget, you can make your own quizzes at GoToQuiz! Why not give it a try?
