How will you die? | Comments

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  • Natural causes. The second one would be from saving someone. I AM THE HERO AFTER ALL!~ (Notahetaliareferen ce)

    The third result would. Be.. From... Suicide? Phht. Can't imagine it. ;u; Hehe, right? I'm... Pretty happy with my life..

  • natural causes. i always get that in these quizzes.

    how am i gonna save my friend? i can't swim! :'(

  • How will you die?
    Your Result: While saving someone

    You died while saving someone! A family member of yours was in the road, and a car came. They didn't notice it coming, so before it could hit you, you jumped in and saved him! I hope that you are happy with your results! Bye!

    64% From natural causes
    56% You were framed
    39% Murdered
    26% In a car crash
    0% Suicide

    I seem to always get that one in these quizzes lol great quiz

    Puppet master12

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