How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
you guys are such idiots if you believe in this s--- ... im not reprinted anything . dont be so superstitios !!! xx Ange ..
xxAngexx1 -
you guys are such idiots if you believe in this s--- ... im not reprinted anything . dont be so superstitios !!! xx Ange ..
xxAngexx1 -
omg! im either going to die in a car crash or saving someone's life^^
Tayyy1 -
i'm going to die in a car accident
really i dont want to die of a terminal illness im scared of the hospital noww but if i dont go hospital ill die anyway though im not scardy cat.
You will die while having sex.LOL
i will die in a car accident
soma1 -
i will die in a car accident
soma1 - gonna die in a car crash.and i was saying why my life line was so short 2 years i know the anser.
i wish i dyed having_
vasili1 -
this is flipin scary wtf? i won't ever give my life for someone i think? it really much depends
hope it works
AJ0121 -
Nuclear Holocaust? Get real!:( oh and I'm with DramaRama16, chainletters are stupid!!!!!!!!
twibrite1 -
boredom,necauler,ca r reck,murdered,s*x,s leep ,illness ,saving somones life. yep that was how the list was
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! !!! im gonna die in a car accident wow that is true i go on the car everyday AHHHHHH
Crazy1 -
Yay! I will not die! lol!
i will die of boredom????? yeah the only reason im bored right now is because all 20 of my friends r busy!!!
chilrie1 -
i'll die of boredom. yay.
I have a good chance of dieing in my sleep?
larry121 -
I guess i'm little afraid to die of boredome. O.o
hey that sure is not good you know what i dont even think it is true got damm
quit scaring people or else watch your back or youll get killed 2
this is a gr8t joke watch out in 7 days boooooooooooooooooo o
jackass1 -
F*** am
ganna die an an
car accident
s*** no0w am scarde
xDevelyn1 -
Hahaha Nuclear Holocaust...awesome ...ROFL.
Osmei1 -
damn it im going to be murdered im not going near any1 now
lil_emi1 -
die in a car accident? so lame...
diana961 -
mine said i was going to die from illoness but i am wondering what kind of illness canser?
well i want to to die when i am old oh mama meia!!!!!!!!!
bett er tell my mom she does not want me on these sites so love ya (kisses)=)