How Welsh R You???

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This is a test to see how welsh you pepole think you are, and if you dont even have the balls to take this test, then ur obviously english and shouldnt even look at this great test!!!

If you really do wanna know how welsh u are though, take it, take the risk, but if you dont get the result u hoped for, just remember this test is 100% accurate!!!

Created by: miniastirith
  1. Who is the welsh god???
  2. But who is the real 'wlesh' god???
  3. Where is Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgorgerychllwyndrobwyllllantysilogogogoch???
  4. Who was the welsh international rugby coach in the 2005 grand-slam????
  5. What isnt a welsh dish???
  6. What does Land Of my Fathers mean in Welsh???
  7. I oes da chi gally darllen y cwestiwn yma, da chi hanner ffordd yna, pwy di'r prif-gwenidiog cymraeg???
  8. Who is the welsh Pattron Saint???
  9. What is the welsh symbolic flower???
  10. How many pepole live in wales??
  11. how many ppl does the millenium stadium hold??

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