How well do you know Wings of Fire

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How well do you know Wings of Fire? This test will push your knowledge to the limits. How high can you score?Will it be a perfect hundred or zero. Take this quiz to find out. Waring this quiz may contain spoiler alerts!

This is an accuracy quiz. Some right answer will boost you more than others. Some wrong answer will be worse than others. See how well you do. Good luck.

Created by: LittleFlappySeawing of eee
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Indigo's squid's name?
  2. Did Seawings use toothpaste?
  3. What is a Silkwing who silk is on fire called?
  4. What part are the Diamond Caves in?
  5. Who's perspective is the 14th book's epilogue in?
  6. What is a nickname for Wings of Fire?
  7. Who wrote Wings of Fire?
  8. What was the Winglets book Prisoner written in?
  9. What was the name of the Seawing Icewing hybrid in book 10 that warned Queen Thorn of the Icewing plague?
  10. Who was Ivy's Aunt?
  11. What does Cliff want to be when he grows up?
  12. What year was Moonwatcher born?
  13. True or False: Clearsight was born under three moons.
  14. What is Murderbasket's real name?
  15. Who is the Queen of the sandwings?
  16. Who is not a hybrid?
  17. How many daughters does Queen Glacier have?
  18. Who are Kinkajous parents?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Wings of Fire
