How Well Do You Know Noah (Total Drama)

How well do you think you know Noah from Total Drama? Find out in this handy-dandy quiz! Maybe you'll be just as smart as that lovable know-it-all himself!

Test your smarts on some basic trivia that only a true Noah fan would know the answer to. You might be surprised at the results. Find out how much you know.

Created by: Denise Raven
  1. What pet does Noah have?
  2. In Total Drama Island, what episode is Noah eliminated in?
  3. In Total Drama World Tour, when Izzy lands on Noah in Slap Slap Revolution, what does Noah say?
  4. Does Noah ever go out with any of the Total Drama girls?
  5. In Total Drama Island, Dodgebrawl, Noah says that sports aren't his ____?
  6. What country did Noah get kicked out of in Total Drama World Tour?
  7. Who did Noah become good friends with in Total Drama World Tour?
  8. How does Noah describe Izzy?
  9. What does Noah hope Chris is giving during Before We Die?
  10. What color are Noah's eyes?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Noah (Total Drama)