How well do you know total drama action?

Total Drama Action is the second season of the Total Drama series. I think it is a REALLY REALLY GREAT SHOW and I love it. If you would like to take this quiz, you must have lots of experience with the show and know who the characters are and what happened during the challenges.

Do YOU know Total Drama Action, TDA for short? If you take this quiz, you will find out. Remember to watch the show or look it up online, and then you'll be all good to go. Good luck dude/dudette.

Created by: Rose Collins

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which episode was DJ eliminated in?
  2. Who won Total Drama Action?
  3. What was Owen eating in episode 21 when he came back to the studio?
  4. How many episodes does Total Drama Action have?
  5. What was the challenge for episode 21, the episode when Owen returned?
  6. Who were the last 2 castmates standing in the end?
  7. DJ was in WHAT place for Total Drama Action?
  8. What is DJ's label?
  9. Who formed a girls' alliance?
  10. the quiz is done.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know total drama action? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Total Drama Quiz category.